jQuery is a small, fast, feature-rich JavaScript library, and your custom web development team here at Britefish . It makes things like event handling, animation, Ajax, and HTML document traversal and manipulation much simpler with a user-friendly API that works across a host of browsers. jQuery has changed the way millions of developers write JavaScript thanks to its combination of versatility and extensibility.
Contact us to learn how Britefish can meet your custom web development needs.
Why jQuery?
Our team works with and recommends jQuery because its JavaScript library greatly eases the pains of web application development, bringing together HTML5 and CSS. This framework is designed to simplify client-side scripting, and has a track record of success. Some of the reasons jQuery is making such an impact on the enterprise level include such benefits as:
Simplicity – jQuery is intuitive and user-friendly with a built-in library that’s specifically designed with shorter, simpler code. With simple syntax and open coding standards, this means developers can shorten the time it takes to deploy an application or site.
Continuous Display – Even when JavaScript is disabled, jQuery elements can still display, so extra time isn’t needed to code for browsers that lack the Flash plug-in.
Integration with Visual Studio IDE – NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to add, remove, and update libraries and tools in your Visual Studio projects that use the .Net Framework. It’s a trusted source for developers to exchange and develop packages for Microsoft Visual Studio and supports the integration of the jQuery library via the Manage NuGet Packages dialog box.
Unique Animated Applications – jQuery makes animated applications just like Flash. It uses a combination of CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and AJAX, markup-based technologies that work well together so that you can achieve great looking effects that will keep your audience engaged without the need to make special adjustments for technologies like Flash.
Speed – With jQuery, pages load faster since you’re able to reduce the size of your code, which is essential since Google and other search engines use page load time as one of the many factors affecting SEO.
SEO Friendly – The way you code your site significantly impacts the way it can be found in Google and other search engines. With jQuery, your page can easily be optimized for search engines, and you can even add plug-ins to increase its SEO friendly capabilities.
JQuery Development with Britefish
By design, jQuery is light and pushes content to your target audience, reducing the wait time for server response. That is why we work with this framework. We understand that lag time can mean the difference between converting or losing that new customer, and we are determined to help your business grow.
jQuery works anytime, anywhere and is cross-browser compatible. It will work on any browser, mobile phone, tablet or Apple device. To remain competitive in today’s market, we know your company will have to deliver content to a variety of different platforms, including desktops, tablets, smartphones, smart TVs and other connected devices. The power of HTML5 and jQuery is one of the best solutions for this evolution and will take your business where you need to go.